My First Tattoo

>> Friday, November 20, 2009

So, after so many years of contemplating when to get a tattoo and looming over a thousand designs, I finally get the chance to have the tattoo done. So why the circle? I chose Enso (Japanese name for circle) because I thought, the simplicity and the meaning behind it is just perfect for a tattoo. According to the ever reliable Wikipedia, it symbolizes enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe, and the void. It can also symbolize the Japanese aesthetic itself.

So what was it like? well at first it was really, and I say, REALLY painful. Just imagine slicing your skin with so many blades, that is tantamount to the feeling you get when your being tattooed, but you can bear the pain. you just have to concentrate I guess or meditate.

So we decided to meet after duty, about 2pm yesterday, and from the hospital we went to my colleague's apartment to do the tattoo session there. Toti, the one doing the tattoo, was a friend of my colleague. He was nice and his strokes are impeccable. I was actually thinking of having another tattoo with him as my tattoo artist.

We were drinking vodka whilst the tattoo commenced. I should say, the vodka helped a little to distract me from the pain. The session expired after about a couple of hours. We decided to eat some porksilog after. We talked about an hour more, relishing the experience.

It still hurts, but it's worth it. Nothing compares to the fulfillment you get when it's done. I am now planning to have my second tattoo but not for now I 'll settle with my enso. Maybe next year I'll have my next tatt.


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