
>> Friday, August 8, 2008

It has been a while since I last wrote something here in my blog. Summer is really over us. Its so hot here and humid I always wish I am in some beach in Palawan or Cebu, but really I can't, because I still don't have work and it makes me sad really. Sometimes I think, maybe I messed it up big time, but then again, what is important is that whenever we fall, we rise up again and learn from our mistakes. (I think I have said this before) I am never good at talkin because most of the time, Its hard to practice what I preach and makes me not credible to talk about something. I just want to blurt it all out here (this is my blog after all, and I can say whatever I feel saying). I am tortured everyday of deciding to take sides. Choosing a right path is always difficult for most of us but it is more difficult for me, because I am somewhat afraid of making mistakes (My friends call me a perfectionist, but its an understatement really. I am well aware that nothing is perfect in this world, but we can strive to be one that is close to perfection). Should I go for another secondary hospital that is below standard just to gain experience or go for a tertiary hospital and gain quality experience but then again, should I choose to go to a tertiary hospital, I will be faced with so many hurdles to tread on to. The mere fact of this difficulty defeats my purpose everytime I get on the verge of deciding to apply on a tertiary hospital. This maybe is shallow compared to other problems that bug the universe, but I guess, somehow I am well aware that this problem is causing too much of a fuss because I have to decide on something major, something that will affect me for the rest of my life.
I know soon I will know what to choose. I just hope it comes sooner.


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