
>> Friday, August 8, 2008

Life holds no promises to what will come our way. It makes no guarantees as to what we will have. It just gives us time- to make choices and to take chances.

I received this quote from my classmate. She sent it as a text message. I felt something while reading it earlier. An epiphany came, that this time I have to make a choice, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how it sucks accepting that all the planning I have deliberately pondered on so much for weeks or even months are just ruined and I have no idea where my choices will take me.

I just have to let myself be caught in the drift and wonder on later where the drift will take me when I am already there. I know somehow that wherever this drift will take me, its for a good reason. Whether it be good or bad, there's always an explanation why I was taken there. All I have to do is to stand by it, and be proud that I made a choice and that I stepped out of my bubble once and for all.


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